National Care Service Forum 2023: follow-up questions and answers - easy read

On 30 October 2023, we hosted our annual National Care Service (NCS) National Forum in Glasgow. In this easy read we have collected and answered some of the questions people asked on the day.

How will private care companies fit into the NCS? How will the government make sure they do a good job?

Public, private and charity organisations will still deliver services under the NCS.

These services include community health, social work and social care support.

Service providers from outside the public sector will answer to local councils and health boards. They will do this through the way their contracts are managed.

They will have different kinds of oversight from:

  • the Care Inspectorate
  • the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland

We are also thinking about how the NCS can use ethical commissioning and procurement.

Ethical means good and fair.

Commissioning and procurement means finding and buying things like equipment and services.

We will work with people who work in commissioning and procurement.

We will also work with people who represent the workforce and service providers. They will help us develop tools and guidance.



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