National Care Service: forum programme - easy read

This is the easy-read programme for the National Care Service Forum 2023. The Forum was at Glasgow Science Centre on 30 October 2023.

National Care Service Forum Programme 2023

10.30am to 11am


11am to 11.15am

Welcome from the Chairs of the Forum:

  • Lorraine McGrath – CEO of the Simon Community Scotland and board member of the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CCPS)
  • Shea Moran – Senior Representative for Aff the Streets.

11.15am to 11.30am

Update on the National Care Service (NCS) from Donna Bell.

Donna is the Scottish Government Director for Social Care and NCS Development.

11.30am to 12.30pm

Panel discussion: how people who use social care and the workforce can make changes together.

Panel members:

  • Maree Todd MSP – Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport
  • Shubhanna Hussain-Ahmed – Partnership Development Officer, Coalition of Carers Scotland
  • Peter Hunter – Regional Manager, Unison
  • Eddie Fraser – Chief Executive, East Ayrshire Council
  • Louise Bussell – Nurse Director, NHS Highland
  • Fraser Haldane – Vice Chairperson, People First
  • Karen Hedge – Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Care.

12.30pm to 1.30pm


1.30pm to 1.40pm

Main speech by Lucy Challoner.

Lucy is an unpaid young carer and a new social worker.

1.40pm to 3pm

Group discussions around tables.


  • ‘Care and support should follow people and their friends and family through changes’
  • Prevention is important too’ (prevention means giving help to someone early so they can have a full life for longer)
  • ‘Needing care support should not feel unusual or stigmatising’ (stigmatising means making someone feel shame)
  • ‘Shared decision making is needed at all levels’
  • ‘We must be careful not to exclude anyone as we develop the National Care Service’.

3pm to 3.15pm

Speech from Elena Whitham MSP.

Elena is the Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy.

3.15pm to 3.25pm

Last speech from the Chairs of the Forum.



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