National Care Service - information sharing to improve care support: seldom heard voices co-design findings

We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Information sharing to improve social care support co-design theme.

About Information sharing to improve care support

Our co-design work for the National Care Service has focused on different themes. Information sharing to improve care support is one of these themes.

The theme covers a person’s journey from the first step of seeking information on available services, to receiving care. It also covers how information about a person could be shared between professions to provide better support.

In our most recent work, we have been looking at ways better information sharing in health and social care services can improve people’s experiences.

For example, a GP practice or local hospital may have records about someone, but would not usually share this with people who provide them with social care support.

Likewise, a GP or hospital might not have someone’s social care support information.



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