National Care Service - information sharing to improve care support: seldom heard voices co-design findings

We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Information sharing to improve social care support co-design theme.

What’s next

What’s next for Information sharing to help improve care support

We will use the insights from these sessions alongside previous insights to build on our understanding of what:

  • information people need to access social care support
  • a Care Record needs to do for those who will use it

They will also inform the potential policy changes needed to allow information within a Care Record to be shared.

Through this work we have identified areas we need to link into further, including:

  • building trust in information sharing
  • non-digital approaches
  • promoting and supporting joined-up services
  • training and support on data rights

As we begin to co-design how a Care Record could look and work, we will use the insights gathered to ensure we develop a service that provides information:

  • people need
  • want to share
  • that is used and shared appropriately

We will also start to test how we can clearly communicate how information held in a Care Record is shared, who it is shared with and why.

We will approach this next phase of work by continuing to involve those who access and deliver health and social care services.



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