National Care Service Forum 2023: report

Findings and next steps from the National Care Service Forum 2023. The forum was held on 30 October 2023 at Glasgow Science Centre.

Programme for the day


In the morning attendees heard speeches from the Chairs and Donna Bell, who is Director for Social Care and NCS development in the Scottish Government.

This was followed by a panel question and answer session. The panel consisted of:

  • Maree Todd MSP, the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport
  • Shubhanna Hussain-Ahmed, who is Partnership Development Officer with the Coalition of Carers in Scotland
  • Peter Hunter, who is Regional Manager for Unison
  • Eddie Fraser, who is Chief Executive of East Ayrshire Council
  • Louise Bussell, who is Nurse Director for NHS Highland
  • Keith Lynch, who is Director of People First (Scotland)
  • Karen Hedge, who is Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Scottish Care


In the afternoon there was a speech from Lucy Challoner, who is a newly qualified social worker and young carer.

Following this, there were roundtable discussions for people attending at the venue or on the Zoom call.

The day rounded off with a closing speech from Elena Whitham MSP, who is the Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy.



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