
National Care Service - people who access adult social care and unpaid carers: evidence

Provides an overview of key sources of evidence about people who access social care and unpaid carers in Scotland. It is part of a collection of contextual evidence papers, setting out key sources of information about social care and related areas in Scotland.


Community alarm: type of equipment for communication, especially useful as an alert should the user have an incident where they need to call for help quickly.

Day Care: involves attendance at a location other than the client/service users own home for personal, social, therapeutic, training or leisure purposes. Day care services can be registered or unregistered services.

Home Care: practical services which assist a person to function as independently as possible and/or continue to live in their own home. This can include personal care, reablement, respite and household tasks such as housework, shopping, laundry and/or paying bills.

Personal Care: includes assistance with activities such as eating or bathing, as well as other care of a personal nature. A fuller list of the types of care counted as personal care can be found on the Care Information Scotland website[38].

Self Directed Support (SDS): Self-Directed Support legislation means that everyone who accesses social care support should be given a choice as to how they wish to receive their support. There are four different ways of accessing social care support through SDS:

  • Option 1: Taken as a Direct Payment.
  • Option 2: Allocated to an organisation that the person chooses and the person is in charge of how it is spent.
  • Option 3: The person chooses to allow the council to arrange and determine their services.
  • Option 4: The person can choose a mix of these options for different types of support.

Telecare: remote or enhanced delivery of care services to people in their own home by means of telecommunications and computerised services.



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