
National Care Service: questions and answers - engagement sessions - easy read

In summer 2022, we ran four National Care Service (NCS) Bill engagement sessions. A number of questions were asked during these sessions, so we have produced questions and answers (Q and A) for these. This is an easy read version of these.

Questions about who is helping to make the new National Care Service

What does co-design mean?

Co-design means that many people with many skills and experiences work together.

They work together to decide how something is made.

To make the National Care Service really good, we need to understand what will be needed to make all the services work well.

How will co-design happen?

We will work together with and listen to:

  • people who get social care support
  • workers who give social care support
  • unpaid carers

We will work together for many years.

We will take extra care and time to listen to:

  • protected groups – like disabled people, young people and older people
  • people who have more than one need
  • people who find it hard to join in – because of things like language and accessibility



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