
A National Care Service for Scotland consultation: easy read

An easy read version of the National Care Service consultation paper.

What this consultation is about

This consultation is about how we deliver social care in Scotland.

Social care is important. This has been made even clearer in the pandemic. Social care is support for disabled people, those with mental health conditions, older people, people with or recovering from addictions, homeless people, children and families who need support, or children who are unable to live with their own families. It also includes support for unpaid carers.

We want high quality services for everyone that needs them.

We want the system to support people to do the best they can.

We asked the Independent Review of Adult Social Care to look at how we could make adult social care better. The Independent Review recommended a National Care Service. The Scottish Government would be responsible for adult social care and support.

The Scottish Government want to do more. We are asking for views on making a community health and social care service that supports people of all ages.

We want the National Care Service to make the rules and standards for community health and social care in Scotland.



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