A National Care Service for Scotland consultation: easy read

An easy read version of the National Care Service consultation paper.

Chapter 4: Reformed Integration Joint Boards: Community Health and Social Care Board

At present there are 31 integration authorities. They plan what care is needed in their area and deliver it with the NHS and Council.

Most integration authorities have an Integration Joint Board (IJB). They have members that can vote from the NHS and Council. Members also include social care providers, people who receive social care support, and unpaid carers. However, they cannot vote.

The Independent Review of Adult Social Care said that some of the current model was good. But it also said some areas need to be better. It felt that there was not enough partnership working and long term planning.

We plan for IJBs to be changed to become Community Health and Social Care Boards (CHSCBs).

They will deliver the National Care Service. This will be the only model of delivery of health and social care. It will make sure services are the same all over Scotland.

Community Health and Social Care Boards will be responsible to the Scottish Government. They will each have their own Chief Executive and staff. They will have board members of both locally elected members and local people. They will work together across Scotland and work with the NHS, council, and the community and third sectors to improve support for people.

Question 14: Should Community Health and Social Care Boards cover the same area as local councils?

  • Yes
  • No
  • No preference

Question 15: The Community Health and Social Care Boards will have members that represent local people. Who else should be on these boards?


Email: NCSconsultation@gov.scot

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