
A National Care Service for Scotland consultation: easy read

An easy read version of the National Care Service consultation paper.

Chapter 6: Regulation

National organisations that manage standards play an important role in making sure standards of social care and support are high. The role of checking both services and the workforce will be separate to the National Care Service (NCS).

We need modern checking processes. That will continue to make things better and the best for people.

Core principles for regulation and scrutiny.

We plan the following core principles.

1. Make sure we support human rights-based care. This has a positive impact on the quality of health and social care services.

2. Activity should be fair and targeted for those that need it. It should be based on research.

3. The NCS should seek to review, update, and improve an organisation and across the care sector on a regular and ongoing basis

4. There should be a strong link between the rules for the workforce and inspecting the services they work in.

5. Checking services should be done in partnership.

6. Checking services is important to make sure staff are qualified and skilled.

7. Checking services is key to making sure vulnerable people are safe.

8. We aim to reduce inequalities with an emphasis on people.

9. People should be involved in the development and delivery of checking services.

10. Checking services should take account of the law, Scottish Government policy, standards, and codes of practice.

Question 18: Do you agree with the list of principles?

  • Yes
  • No
  • No preference

Please explain your answers below

Strengthening regulation and scrutiny of care services

The powers of the Care Inspectorate are an important tool for keeping high standards. The Care Inspectorate checks on the quality of care and support services.

However, the shape of care has changed since the Care Inspectorate got these powers. More people are supported to live at home. Those who live in care homes have complex needs. It has raised issues of whether they are still the right powers.

We are planning to change the powers to make sure high standards are kept.

Question 19: Do you think the Care Inspectorate powers should be stronger?

  • Yes
  • No
  • No preference

Please explain your answers below

Market Oversight Function

Understanding the care market is important. This is about making sure that the right care services are in the right place and planning ahead to prevent good services needing to close.

An understanding of the care market involves gathering information and working with partners across the sector. We are thinking of giving the Care Inspectorate powers to provide this.

Question 20: Do you think the Care Inspectorate should have powers to better understand the care market?

  • Yes
  • No
  • No preference

Please explain your answers below

Enhanced powers for regulating care workers and professional standards

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) oversees the social services workforce. It is responsible registering most of the workforce.

However, some groups are not registered. The SSSC's powers are focused on individual workers rather than on employers. They are unable to make employers follow rules. We are considering giving the SSSC powers to address this.

Question 21: What groups of care worker should be considered to register with the Scottish Social Services Council?

Please explain your answers below



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