
A National Care Service for Scotland: consultation

This consultation sets out our proposals to improve the way we deliver social care in Scotland, following the recommendations of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care.


Advanced Practice models (in nursing) involve nurses providing clinical leadership and having autonomous decision-making authority including assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prescribing for people with complex health needs. Advanced nurse practitioners must be qualified to Masters level and have demonstrated competence across the four pillars of advanced practice.

Age of criminal responsibility (for children). This is the age at which a child can be arrested or charged with a crime. At present this is 8 years old in Scotland, it will rise to 12 years old when the relevant sections of the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019 come into effect.

Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP). Each local authority area has an ADP which is a partnership of various public services including Health Boards, local authorities, police and voluntary agencies. An ADP has responsibility for strategic planning and performance across drug and alcohol issues.

Allied Health Professionals (AHPs). Includes a range of jobs such as radiographers, paramedics, and physiotherapists, working in hospitals, clinics, housing services, people's homes, schools, and health centres.

Care Inspectorate (CI). The independent national scrutiny and assurance body responsible for the registration and regulation of care services.

Community Health and Social Care Boards (CHSCBs). We propose that Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) will be reformed to become Community Health and Social Care Boards (CHSCBs), and that CHSCBs will be the local delivery body for the National Care Service.

Community Justice Partnerships (CJPs.) Statutory partners who cooperate at a local level in the preparation, implementation and review of a community justice outcomes improvement plan for the local authority area.

Fair Work Convention. An independent advisory body to Scottish Ministers, with an aim of ensuring fair work for individuals, businesses, organisations and society.

GIRFE National Practice Model: Getting It Right for Everyone. A proposed multi-agency approach of support and services from young adulthood to end of life care.

Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC). A multi-agency, child-centred approach of support and services for children.

Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). The operational and delivery aspect of integration. The HSCP brings together the staff from the Health Board and local authority to deliver integrated services under the direction of the Integration Authority. The HSCP itself is not a statutory body.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS). The national scrutiny and improvement body for all health services, accountable to Scottish Ministers for the delivery of its strategic objectives.

Healthcare support workers (HCSWs). Assist nurses, therapists, midwives, hospital doctors and other healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality person-centred care.

Independent Living Fund (ILF). A national scheme of direct payments to support independent living by disabled people in Scotland. Following the closure of the UK ILF in 2015, the Scottish Government established a new organisation, Independent Living Fund (ILF) Scotland, to administer ILF for existing recipients of the fund in Scotland.

Independent Review of Adult Social Care (IRASC). An independent review commissioned by the Scottish Government which made recommendations on improvements to adult social care in Scotland in a report published 3 February 2021.

Integration Authorities (IAs). The statutory body responsible for ensuring that health and social care services are well integrated. The IA is the decision making and governance body for the delegated functions, services and budgets identified in individual integration schemes, jointly agreed by the relevant local authority and Health Board. At present, there are two types of IAs which have been created across Scotland, either through establishing the local authority or Health Board as a 'lead agency' or by setting up an 'Integration Joint Board' (IJB).

Integration Joint Board (IJB). The majority of integration authorities are Integration Joint Boards. These are statutory bodies responsible for the planning and commissioning of delegated services, separate from both local authorities and Health Boards.

Justice social work (JSW) services. Takes a lead role in the delivery of community interventions in local authorities, with support from partners including third sector organisations.

National Care Home Contract (NCHC). Negotiated annually between local authorities and care home providers and provides a national framework for charging for residential care.

National Care Service (NCS). We propose to establish a new National Care Service, accountable to Scottish Ministers, to oversee the provision of social care and support in Scotland.

National Integration Joint Board. A proposed joint board with the aim of improved joint working between the NHS and the proposed NCS to agree national strategies and priorities.

National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership. A Scottish Government led Taskforce with membership from the public sector, civil society and legal and academic experts in human rights, established in 2019, to take forward the recommendations made in the 2018 Report of the First Minister's Advisory Group on Human Rights to prioritise actions to progress human rights and equality in Scotland. In March 2021, the Taskforce published their 30 recommendations for a new human rights framework for Scotland, which are being taking forward by the Scottish Government.

Personal Assistants (PA). Individuals employed by people in receipt of direct payments of Self-Directed Support and/or ILF funds.

Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (PBJWSA). This Act requires Health Boards and local authorities to work together to form integration authorities (IAs), which are responsible for ensuring that health and social care services are well integrated.

Real Living Wage. A voluntary (non-statutory) wage rate, based on the cost of living.

Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC). The professional regulator of the social service workforce.

Self-Directed Support (SDS). An approach for people who are eligible for social care support, with the aim of giving those people choice and control over how their care and support can be delivered.

Self-Directed Support (SDS) Framework of Standards. A set of standards written by the Scottish Government specifically for local authorities, to provide an overarching structure, aligned to legislation and statutory guidance, for implementation of the self-directed support approach and principles.

The Promise. The Promise outlines a vision for Scotland which calls for change in response to the Independent Care Review, shaped by the voices of children and families with care experience, and of those who work in the 'care system'.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Sets out the human rights of every person under the age of 18 and is the most complete statement on children's rights in history. It was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1989. The UK ratified the UNCRC in 1991.



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