
National Care Service: statement of benefits

Sets out the benefits of the National Care Service that can be achieved, through legislation and co-design. Highlights where further evidence gathering and consideration may still be required to help inform future decisions around its design and delivery.

Promoting best value across care and support by driving up quality

The NCS will drive quality and consistency for people through the development of standards, guidance and supporting policies for care and support, linking to healthcare standards as appropriate. These will be used to support the planning, design, delivery and monitoring of care and support developed in response to local need and circumstance.

The assessment of the quality of services will be driven by multiple factors. These will include the outcomes for individuals alongside the traditional performance management, oversight, regulation and inspection processes.

A quality management framework will also be introduced to ensure that continuous improvement becomes the norm and that we have a learning system that supports practice improvement, learning from best practice across Scotland and further afield.

The NCS will deliver value by ensuring quality and consistency for social care and support services across the country, tackling poor quality head on and ensuring that people have clear and accessible routes to raise concerns.



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