National Care Service: workforce charter summary of co-design findings

Our co-design work for the National Care Service has focused on different themes. Valuing the workforce is one of these themes. In our most recent work, we have been looking at ways in which a National Care Service workforce charter could support workforces to feel engaged, valued and supported.


As part of the co-design of the National Care service, we have been speaking to people who work in:

  • social care
  • social work
  • community health

We asked them about what would make them feel valued and the suggestion of a workforce charter was discussed.

We heard that members of the workforces supported the idea of a workforce charter if it could unify people working for different employers in:

  • social care
  • social work
  • community health

People also supported a charter if it could give them a national identity as part of the same workforce under the National Care Service.



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