National Care Service: workforce charter summary of co-design findings

Our co-design work for the National Care Service has focused on different themes. Valuing the workforce is one of these themes. In our most recent work, we have been looking at ways in which a National Care Service workforce charter could support workforces to feel engaged, valued and supported.

Co-design sessions

The idea for a workforce charter emerged from our summer co-design sessions in 2023. We ran several sessions in different parts of Scotland with a range of people from the social work, social care and community health workforces.

To develop and explore the idea further, we ran a series of co-design sessions from:

  • November 2023 to January 2024
  • April 2024 to June 2024

During these sessions we heard from the following groups:

  • members of the workforce (social work, social care and community health)
  • representatives of the workforce (this includes representative organisations and regulatory bodies)
  • internal Scottish Government stakeholders and professional advisors

All of the co-design sessions were online, to allow people from across Scotland to take part. Sessions took place on a variety of days and times to create flexibility.

Some sessions were restricted to targeted groups to create a safe space for participants. These included:

  • trade unions
  • members of the workforce who identify as black and minority ethnic (BAME)
  • personal assistants
  • members of the workforce who identify as being disabled

People in these groups were also able to join the wider sessions.

The goal of the co-design sessions was to discuss:

  • whether or not a workforce charter would be beneficial
  • the purpose of a workforce charter
  • who a workforce charter would be for
  • the content of a workforce charter



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