
National Care Standards: Services for People in Criminal Justice Supported Accommodation

National Care Standards: Services for People in Criminal Justice Supported Accommodation Edition

8 Standards on review and move-on arrangements

Standard 8

You will be encouraged and supported to take part in regular reviews which will consider arrangements for you to move on and progress made in respect of action plans.

1 You are supported to take part in regular reviews of your use of the service (at least every three months) with your key worker, supervising social worker and other people, in tandem with any formal review of your order or licence. You can play an active part, exercising choices, influencing what happens afterwards and commenting on the experience of your use of the service. If you are subject to formal reviews, every effort will be made to combine the two processes.

2 Each review of your use of the service will consider the progress of your action plan and deal with move-on issues (including your continuing need for support).

3 Reviews should encourage you to take part in constructive opportunities and activities in the wider community.

4 You have plans for your move-on accommodation developed from the early part of your use of the service. The plans are addressed in all reviews, in line with any statutory requirements which inform future moves.

5 You have opportunities to:

  • be involved in preparing reports for meetings, including reviews;
  • take part in making decisions; and
  • have all decisions explained to you.

6 You can take an independent representative to support you at reviews if you want.

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