
National Care Standards: Services for People in Criminal Justice Supported Accommodation

National Care Standards: Services for People in Criminal Justice Supported Accommodation Edition

1 Standards on information about the service

Standard 1

You will be given comprehensive information about the service you will receive. Any period of stay should be discussed beforehand with you and relate fully to a supervision or support plan.

1 You receive information on the service and have it explained to you in plain English or a language or format you can easily understand. The information includes:

  • admission processes and conditions;
  • the purpose of the service;
  • any charges liable;
  • clear conditions for access to or exclusion from the service; and
  • your rights and responsibilities as a service user.

2 Your admission to the service is part of an overall supervision,
pre-release or support plan based on an assessment of your
needs and any risks. You contribute to this in discussion with
your supervising officer.

3 Where possible, you have a visit to the service in advance, with your supervising social worker. Where this is not possible, there will be a policy of pre-release visits by the service provider to prison establishments for long-term prisoners.

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