

the National Care the standards for Support Services in Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengal/Bangaldeshi and Gujarati five language translations

Leaving the Support Service

Introduction to standard 17

People leave support services for different reasons. The principles which underpinned the support and care you received when using the support service will guide the process of supporting you to move on.

Leaving the support service should be a positive experience. You must be able to take your time to decide what will happen next. The support service staff must support you during this time.

Leaving the support service

Standard 17

You are fully involved in planning and discussing the change.

1 If you want, your carer or representative (or both) will be involved in these discussions.

2 You are involved in assessing the possible risk for yourself or others if you leave the support service.

3 If you are moving to a new support service, you will be helped to meet other people who use support services and staff in the new support service beforehand.

4 You can be confident that staff will make sure you have the opportunity to keep up friendships.

5 If you have to leave because the support service can no longer provide for your needs or has to close, the move will involve the smallest amount of risk and disruption.

6 Your records will be complete and up to date, and will have been put together with your involvement and agreement.

7 You can have independent support (e.g. a citizen advocate) and family support to help you move to a new support service.

8 If you are a young person moving to an adult support service, staff in your old support service will help you to be supported through the move by a named worker from the new support service and have regular contact with that person.

9 If you are asked to leave because the support service can no longer meet your needs or because your behaviour makes it impossible for the support service to help you, the situation will be properly explained to you and you will be told about any action you may take to appeal against the decision.


Email: Corinne Laird

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