
National carers strategy

Unpaid care is vital to how social care is provided in Scotland, and the value of the dedication and expertise of carers cannot be overstated. This strategy sets out a range of actions to ensure they are supported fully in a joined up and cohesive way.


1. The Scottish Government (2015). Scotland's Carers report.

2. The European Commission (2022). A European Care Strategy for caregivers and care receivers - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion.

3. Scottish Government. (2022) National Performance Framework. National Outcomes.

4. The Scottish Government (2015). Scotland's Carers

5. Information Service Division (2019). NHS Scotland National Workforce Statistics.

Scottish Social Services Council (2017). Report on Workface Data.

6. The Scottish Government (2022) Scotland's Carers Update Release

7. Public Health Scotland (2021) Population groups: older people.

8. Hirst, M. (2005) Health Inequalities and Informal Care - End of Project Report.

9. National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (2022) Financial Memorandum (paragraph 72). Financial Memorandum.

10. The Scottish Government (2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for immunosuppressed people who may have been on the Highest Risk List.

11. Scottish Government (2022). Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013: Statutory Guidance.

12. The Scottish Government (2018) Carers Charter.

13. The Scottish Government (2021). Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. Statutory Guidance, see checklist following paragraph 5.1.12,

14. Carers Trust (2019). Triangle of Care: A Guide to Best Practice in Mental Health Care in Scotland.

15. The Carers' charter sets out carers' rights under the Carers Act.

16. Scottish Social Services Council (2022). Self-directed Support: Personal Outcomes Planning eBook.

17. NHS Education for Scotland (2021). Equal partners in care.

18. The Scottish Government (2022). Carers Census, Scotland, 2021-22

19. The Scottish Government (2015). Scotland's Carers.

20. Shared Care Scotland (2021). Creative Breaks.

21. Shared Care Scotland (2021). Better Breaks.

22. Shared Care Scotland (2021). Respitality.

23. The Scottish Government (2017). National Dementia Strategy 2017-2020.

24. The Scottish Government (2020). Coronavirus (COVID-19) - dementia and COVID-19: action plan.

25. The Scottish Government (2011). Standards of Care for Dementia in Scotland.

26. The Scottish Government (2018). Scottish Strategy for Autism: outcomes and priorities 2018- 2021.

27. The Scottish Government (2022). Scottish Carer's Assistance: Consultation.

28. Social Security Scotland (2021). Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018: benefit take-up strategy - October 2021

29. The Scottish Government (2015). Scotland's Carers report.

30. London School of Economics (2018). Supporting unpaid carers to remain in employment.

31. Skills Development Scotland. Scotland's Careers Services.

32. Scottish Government (2022). Fair Start Scotland: get help to find a job.

33. Carer Positive.

34. Carers UK (2017). The world shrinks: carer loneliness - Tackling Loneliness Hub

35. British Red Cross. The longest year: life after lockdown.

36. The Scottish Government (2018). A Connected Scotland Strategy: our strategy for tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections.

37. COSLA (2022-23) Social Care Charging Guidance 2022-23

38. Becker (2007).

39. Morrow (2005); Moore and McArthur (2007); Cass et al. (2009).

40. Moore and McArthur (2007).

41. McAndrew, Warne, Fallon and Moran (2012).

42. Scotland's Census (2011): 2011 census | Scotland's Census (

43. Carers Trust. Protecting the Health and Wellbeing of Young Carers.

44. The Scottish Government. Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC).

45. The Scottish Government. Wellbeing (SHANARRI)

46. The European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe. European Convention on Human Rights.

47. Carers Trust Scotland. Scottish Young Carers Festival.

48. Sempik and Becker (2010). Protecting Young Carers from Bullying.

49. The Scottish Funding Council (2018). Education Maintenance Allowance: guidance and processes.



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