
national cares tandards early education and childcare up to the age of 16

national cares tandards early education and childcare up to the age of 16Edition

1-3 Being welcomed and cared for

1 Being welcomed and valued
2 A safe environment
3 Health and wellbeing

Being welcomed and valued

Standard 1

Each child or young person will be welcomed, and will be valued as an individual.

1 You can be confident that staff welcoming children or young people have the time to do so, and are trained to do so, well.

2 Parents and carers and children or young people as appropriate are provided with information about the service in a language and format that they can understand.

3 Parents and carers and children or young people have opportunities to visit the service before using it.

A safe environment

Standard 2

The needs of each child or young person are met by the service in a safe environment, in line with all relevant legislation.

1 Children and young people are cared for in a safe, hygienic, smoke-free, pleasant and stimulating environment. The surroundings are in a good state of decoration and repair.

2 Children and young people have access to accommodation which is secure and suitable to meet the needs of all users. Arrangements are in place to make sure of the safety and security of children and young people, inside and outside.

3 Children and young people enjoy the service in an environment that takes account of the space standards in Annex A and makes effective use of space, including outdoor play areas. The layout allows for areas where they can play and work independently, meet with a small number of others or be part of a larger group.

4 You can be confident that:

  • the service conforms to all other relevant legislation on accommodation and facilities;
  • staff keep all play equipment clean and well maintained;
  • staff take measures to control the spread of infection; and
  • staff make sure that children and young people do not have access to inappropriate materials, including screening access to the internet.

Health and wellbeing

Standard 3

Each child or young person will be nurtured by staff who will promote his or her general wellbeing, health, nutrition and safety.

1 Children and young people can be assured of continuity of care in the service through effective communication between the staff, children and young people and parents and carers, and any other relevant service providers.

2 You can be confident that staff have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in protecting children and young people from harm, abuse, bullying and neglect. The service has a policy on child protection and safety and explains the policies to parents and carers and each child or young person.

3 Children and young people have opportunities to learn about healthy lifestyles and relationships, hygiene, diet and personal safety.

4 Children and young people have access to a well-balanced and healthy diet (where food is provided) which takes account of ethnic, cultural and dietary requirements, including food allergies. Staff make sure that help with feeding is given in a way that best meets the needs of the child or young person.

5 Children and young people have the opportunity to sleep or rest and have regular access to fresh air and energetic physical play. Staff will monitor sleeping children regularly and effectively.

6 You can be confident that the service has a clear policy and guidelines on the use, storage and administration of medication and that staff are suitably trained to carry these out. The service makes sure that written consent is given by parents and carers for the use or administration of medication provided by them.

7 You can be confident that the service has a clear policy on how to deal with emergencies and staff are well trained in emergency procedures.

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