
national cares tandards early education and childcare up to the age of 16

national cares tandards early education and childcare up to the age of 16Edition

Annex C Information on SSSC registration

In March 2004 the Scottish Social Services Council ( SSSC) set the qualification requirements for early education and childcare workers for registration with the SSSC.

Since there are a wide range of job titles used in the sector the SSSC has categorised the parts of the Register for early education and childcare workers on the basis of job functions. Therefore, there will be a part of the Register for each of the following categories of early education and childcare workers:

Support workers are workers who have delegated responsibility for providing care and support to children.

Practitioners are workers who identify and meet the care, support and learning needs of children and contribute to the development and quality assurance of informal learning activities and/or curriculum. They may also be responsible for the supervision of other workers.

Managers/lead practitioners are workers who hold responsibilities for the overall development, management and quality assurance of service provision including the supervision of staff and the management of resources.

Examples of jobs in early childcare and childcare linked to categories for registration

Support Worker


Lead Practitioner/Manager

seasonal play worker

play leader


nursery assistant

nursery nurse

officer in charge

play assistant

nursery officer


support for learning assistant

nursery assistant

play manager

breakfast club assistant

play assistant

early years manager

wraparound care assistant

playgroup worker

out-of-school care co-ordinator

early education and childcare worker

early years worker

Applicants for registration who do not hold a required qualification may, if they meet all the other eligibility criteria for registration, be granted registration subject to the condition that they achieve the required qualification within a specified period of time, normally the first three years of the registration period. Access to registration will have to be gradual to allow sufficient time for workers to access and achieve the required qualifications.

There is a range of qualifications that can meet the requirement for registration. To obtain a copy of the full list go to or telephone 01382 207101 or email

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