National Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Strategic Group: terms of reference

Role of the group

To increase cross-sectoral coordination and capability to address the risks and harms of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE) in Scotland by scrutinising existing and emerging evidence and practice to inform, prioritise and agree actions.

Purpose of the group:

  • provide national level expertise and strategic oversight to inform effective responses to CSAE in Scotland across the areas of prevention, identification, deterrence and recovery support
  • identify opportunities to enhance the evidence-base and shared understanding of CSAE and its impact
  • improve awareness and implementation of effective policy and practice-based CSAE interventions
  • to consider areas for future research


The establishment of this national CSAE strategic group was agreed with Ministers in early 2024, following engagement between Scottish Government and key stakeholders in late 2023. The discussions with stakeholders laid the foundations for the format of this group as detailed in these terms of reference


The co-chairs will be appointed for an initial period of 12 months.

The co-chairs are responsible for:

  • chairing the meetings and ensure that they are kept to time;
  • ensuring discussions are focussed and relevant;
  • ensuring required actions/tasks are agreed and allocated appropriately.

In leading discussions, the co-chairs is also responsible for:

  • building effective relationships with the entirety of the membership
  • ensuring the diversity of views of the membership are reflected in discussions
  • seeking to achieve consensus amongst the membership based on the views expressed and the available evidence base. Where consensus is not achieved, this will be recorded in the meeting minutes and the Chair will consider opportunities for further tabling of these issues at future meetings


The membership, facilitated by the co-chairs, will be responsible for reaching collective agreement and recommendations.

Membership will be composed of representatives from the organisations listed below. The option to co-opt additional members, either for the lifetime of the group or for specific time-limited purposes, will be considered by the co-chairs in consultation with the membership on an ongoing basis.

Members are expected to:

  • actively contribute to the aims of the group and feedback relevant discussions and actions to their own agency and stakeholders
  • take relevant and emerging issues from their organisations, and other partners/ services, to the group for discussion and action
  • take collective responsibility as part of the group to deliver and monitor delivery of shared tasks identified through discussions
  • identify relevant expertise within their own organisations/partners or services to participate in ‘deep-dive’ sessions to explore specific pieces of work when required
  • recuse themselves from discussions, where necessary, to avoid conflicts of interest
  • progress assigned action between meetings, independently of the group or in partnership with a few members and/or other agency representatives, when appropriate


  • to consider available evidence and views to agree specific and cross-cutting priorities to improve and evolve practice and policy on CSAE in Scotland
  • to agree areas for further evidence-gathering (‘deep dives’) to be undertaken by a sub-group comprised of practitioners, academics and other CSAE practice and topic experts
  • to oversee delivery of agreed actions and activities to address CSAE harms through collaborative cross-sectoral working
  • to consider how the views of children, young people and families and victims are appropriately and effectively considered in the work of the group
  • to maintain a focus on CSAE as set out by the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 – updated 2023. As recognised by the guidance, CSAE is often linked to other forms of abuse, exploitation and child protection issues which will be reflected in the Group’s considerations and discussions
  • where issues linked to CSAE are raised by this group, such as child criminal exploitation (CCE), these issues will be shared by the secretariat with the relevant strategic or governance group for consideration

Timing and review

The group will meet on a quarterly basis. It is expected that group members and their organisations will engage outwith the meetings to deliver priorities and actions agreed by the group.

The role and functioning of the group will be reviewed after a year in consultation with the co-chairs and membership. A degree of flexibility within the remit will be required as the group progresses with delivery.

Accountability and support

While not formally accountable to Ministers, the work of the group will inform advice to Ministers and policy development on CSAE.

Members who are part of other strategic forums will be expected to ensure effective information flow and workstream alignment with the group.

The Scottish Government secretariat will provide an update on behalf of the group to Ministers after each meeting.

Meetings will be attended by named members, with substitutes if required.

The Scottish Government will be responsible for coordinating and supporting the group. An agenda and notes will be taken for each meeting.

The Scottish Government will produce minutes, which will be unattributed due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter discussed by the group, with the aim of promoting free and frank discussion in meetings.

CELCIS will be responsible for providing relevant intelligence and evidence to support meetings.

Membership of the National CSAE Strategy Group

Membership will be drawn from the following organisations, groups and interests (attendees updated November 2024):

  • Co-chair, Office of the Chief Social Worker, Scottish Government
  • Co-chair, Head of Public Protection, Police Scotland
  • Scottish Government, Children’s Rights, Protection and Justice
  • Action for Children
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)
  • Barnardo's Scotland
  • CELCIS (Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection)
  • Child Protection Service, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Childlight
  • Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
  • Child Protection Committees Scotland
  • Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service
  • Education Scotland
  • Lucy Faithfull Foundation Scotland
  • National Organisation for Treatment of Abuse (NOTA)
  • National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
  • Professor Alexis Jay, Independent Member
  • Public Health Scotland
  • Ofcom Scotland
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