A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland - Summary

Scotland’s National Clinical Strategy sets out ideas on how NHSScotland needs

to change to ensure health and social care services are fit for the future.

What is going to change?

We're going to change the main focus
of the NHS from hospitals to primary/community care

Primary care teams, which include doctors, nurses and a whole array of other professionals like physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians and others, will be strengthened.

These teams will work even closer together, often alongside colleagues in social care services and voluntary organisations. Their main aim is to support people with health and social care problems to stay in their own communities, help them to learn to manage their conditions and, whenever possible, reduce the chances of them having to be admitted to hospital. This will mean that some services traditionally supplied in hospitals will be provided in community settings.

The shift to primary and community care is already happening. The integration of health and social care is gathering pace, with health and social care staff working together in teams to meet people's needs. GPs are dealing with more complex cases and professionals like nurses and pharmacists are learning new skills and taking on new responsibilities. And better IT systems are being introduced to primary care to improve the quality of care and give patients greater access to services and information.

The aim is that most of the care people need will be provided in their local communities, and that they will be admitted to hospital only when it is absolutely necessary. Much of the effort in achieving this will come from giving people the confidence and knowledge to manage their own conditions and retain their independence. Voluntary bodies have great experience in this area, and we will be seeking to make closer links with them as we progress.


Email: Karen MacNee

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