
National Mission on Drugs - National Collaborative: March 2022 progress update

Progress update for March 2022 from the National Mission on Drugs: National Collaborative.

The First Minister and the Minister for Drugs Policy have appointed Professor Alan Miller to chair a National Collaborative which will develop and implement a human rights based approach (HRBA) to ensure that the voices and rights of people with lived and living experience are at the centre of policy and decision making. It will do this by:

  • leading a process to determine how human rights which are being incorporated into Scots law through the Human Rights Bill (e.g. the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health) can best be realised in alcohol and drug services. Professor Miller co-chaired the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership which produced this report and the recommendations for the new Human Rights Bill
  • promoting and supporting the effective implementation of those rights within the Human Rights Bill (e.g. the right to an adequate standard of living including housing and food) which address social determinants of problem drug and alcohol use
  • promoting and supporting the participation of people with lived and living experience and their families in the design, delivery and regulation of drug and alcohol services

Since his appointment on the 10 of January 2022, the National Collaborative Chair, Professor Miller, has been engaging in a series of scoping meetings with people with lived and living experience and their families; stakeholders including nationally commissioned organisations; alcohol and drug partnerships and third sector partners. These early discussions have been very valuable to initiate dialogue and are helping to contribute towards the design and development of the National Collaborative.

A further round of consultations will take place in April and May to develop a work plan leading to the publication of a roadmap and commencement of the National Collaborative process. We would like to thank those who have given their time and advice so far and we would like to invite anyone wishing to meet with Professor Miller to contact by email.

Please note that the National Mission on Drugs: National Collaborative webpage will also be used for communications.

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