
National Committee on Infant Cremation: code of practice (second edition)

Key principles and minimum standards for all organisations conducting infant cremations, as agreed by the National Committee on Infant Cremation.

Code of Practice Level 2 - Record-Keeping


1. This Code sets out the minimum standards and general principles that should apply to all forms, records and registers associated with the decisions about, and the conduct of, infant cremations.

Code of Practice


2. Documents requiring the signature of next of kin should be worded in such a way as to minimise the risk of additional distress to them.

Security & Privacy

3. Records must be stored and secured in such a way as to ensure any legal right to privacy of the signatory / next of kin.


4. Information pertaining to policies and procedures must be regularly checked to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

5. Information pertaining to the policies and procedures of local partners, where applicable, must be regularly checked with them to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

Transparency and Accessibility

6. Options available to next of kin, including in relation to ashes recovery and return, must be clearly set out alongside the point in the document that requires their signature.

7. The decisions required and who they are required from should be clearly set out in documentation for next of kin.

8. A copy of any form or record signed by next of kin should be offered them at the time of signing, for their own personal records.

9. A copy of any form or record signed by another party on behalf of the next of kin should be available to next of kin, where possible and where the law allows.


10. All records should be maintained electronically, wherever possible.

11. Forms and documents signed by next of kin should be kept in such a way that the entirety of the form's content and the signature are available.


12. The formal retention period for records and documents, and how to access them in the future, should be advised to next of kin.

Monitoring, Audit and Assurance

13. All organisations and institutions involved in infant cremations must allow and assist with regular inspection of their premises, personnel, policies, procedures and/or records etc by the individuals or bodies designated by statute for this purpose.



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