National Confidential Forum - A consultation on the creation of a Forum for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse in Residential Care

Consultation on propopsals to establish a National Confident Forum for Adults who were in care as children.


28. The Government would like your views on our proposals for the National Confidential Forum, in particular the following proposals:

  • To establish a Forum for adults in residential care as children
  • To follow the model tested by the TTBH Pilot Forum
  • To define who should be eligible to be heard by the Forum
  • To provide protections for the Forum to enable it to operate effectively

29. We would like to hear your views on both the principle and the detail of what we propose. We are also happy to consider any additional points you wish to make. Please use Questions 9 and 10 at the end of the questionnaire to tell us about what you think might prevent someone from participating in the Forum and to add any additional points.
Equalities Impact Assessment

30. We will be carrying out an Equalities Impact Assessment during the consultation process. This considers how new legislation may impact, either positively or negatively, on different sectors of the population. The assessment is based on existing evidence and on our consultation work up to this point. The assessment considers six equality strands age, disability, gender, race, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and religion and belief. The final Equalities Impact Assessment will be published at


Email: Linda Watters

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