National Corporate Parenting Training Programme Evaluation

An evaluation of the impact of the National Corporate Parenting Training programme developed and delivered by Who Cares? Scotland.

6 Other Comments

6.1 Online respondents were given the opportunity to provide any further comments or information or to expand on their answers and 24 did so.

6.2 Fifteen respondents provided positive comments on the session with seven of these again commenting on the involvement of young people in the presenting or in the videos.

"The ability to hear first-hand the experiences of young people, both those still involved and those who are now older, really brought the topic alive. Theories, policies and aims are all worthwhile but nothing can take the place of hearing from these youngsters. They were so good!" (EM)

6.3 Only two respondents made any negative comment; one who did not like training sessions in general and another who said: "We were a bit disappointed in the standard and professionalism of the training provided. The material used was out-dated and negative and did not represent the local picture. However, the DVD which was made was good and was appreciated …. too much time was taken with the national picture, this caused confusion for Elected Members. The feedback was much more positive from Elected Members when we did our own training with some local young people and our own staff." (Senior Staff)

6.4 Most of the others commented generally on the training or on issues around awareness of looked after children in their area. For example:

"Unfortunately, as a Health Board Member, I find there can be a disconnect between awareness raising sessions such as this and strategic decision making in respect of policy and practice. Consequently I am not confident that, irrespective of the strengths or otherwise of the training provided, it will have much impact. This is an issue from many of the presentations we receive, not just that from Who Cares". (Health Board Member)

"I have asked colleagues in a variety of departments, not only children and Families if they are aware that they are corporate parents and the response is typically that they did not know and don't know what it means for them as individuals". (Senior Staff)

6.5 One qualitative respondent noted the impact of the personal approach adopted by Who Cares? Scotland. They had given consideration as to whether something like this training programme could be delivered by e-learning but on consideration felt this would be inappropriate because of the importance of the personal delivery by looked after children as part of the training programme.

6.6 Another qualitative respondent emphasised the need for Who Cares? Scotland to continue to deliver this training programme as local authorities do not have the resources to be able to deliver this training internally.


Email: Alison Melville

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