National Demand Optimisation Group (Ndog) – Phase 3 Report

The National Demand Optimisation Group (NDOG) is a Scottish Government commissioned group. Its main objective is to reduce unwarranted variation in laboratory diagnostic testing, contributing to improved patient outcomes The group has recently completed its third phase of work.

4 Aims

The NDOG Phase III programme of work was funded and the Steering Group was scheduled to meet four times across 2019/2020.

The agreed main aims of the group during Phase III are summarised below: -

Atlas of Variation development -

  • Build upon the existing data collected in Phase II and collect for the calendar year of 2018.
  • Explore alternative options to streamline data collection for populating the Atlas.

Engagement -

  • Engage with referring clinicians to further refine the Atlas of Variation.
  • Engage with referring clinicians to promote a cultural shift in managing requesting patterns.
  • Expand stakeholder engagement by coordinating quality improvement champions at a local level to support change.

Quality Improvement -

  • Monitor and report on QI programmes being delivered.
  • Undertake internal demand optimisation within laboratories to review and standardise methodologies.
  • Implement interventions where unwarranted variation can be identified.
  • Continue engaging with clinical networks at a national, regional and local level to develop and implement requesting guidelines which could be referenced at a board level.

Endorsement -

  • Promote the capabilities of the Atlas of Variation within the GP community.
  • Promote the demand optimisation and the realistic medicine agenda at conferences, in reports to professional bodies and in newsletters.



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