
National Dental Advisory Committee - Emergency Drugs & Equipment in Primary Dental Care

Report on the use of emergency drugs and equipment in Primary Dental Care.

Appendix 4: Terms of reference

To review and revise the 1999 NDAC Emergency Dental Drugs document with a particular focus on domiciliary oxygen and defibrillators, specifically:

1. To identify a list of drugs and equipment which should be available for the emergency care of patients in dental settings:

  • where the normal range of procedures are carried out;
  • where intravenous or inhalational (conscious) sedation is used;
  • where dental services may be provided on a domiciliary basis (e.g. care homes, home visits).

2. To identify the type and extent of resuscitation training and knowledge for the dental team.

3. To ensure that any recommendations are practical and realistic.


Email: Elizabeth Mclear

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