
Crofting: national development plan

This plan highlights the core elements necessary to ensure that crofting remains at the heart of our rural and remote rural communities.

Future CAGS

In May 2020, following an internal review of the current scheme, the Scottish Government established a CAGS Focus Group to look at possible improvements that could be made to the scheme over the 2021-24 period, and beyond. The Group, chaired by Crofting Policy colleagues, was made up of representatives from the Crofting Commission, including Commissioners, the Scottish Crofting Federation, the National Farmers' Union of Scotland, the Woodland Crofts Partnership, and the Scottish Agricultural College. The Group explored the following three areas:

1 Access and eligibility criteria.

The Group were asked to consider whether we should widen the scope of the CAGS to include those crofters who are not engaged in agricultural operations, and whether the list of eligible works should be extended.

2 Preparatory work required by the crofter before submitting an application.

Under the current scheme, applicants need to provide at least two competitive quotes when submitting an application. Three are required when the total cost exceeds £10,000. The Group were asked to consider whether standard costings should be introduced as this would do away with the need for quotes.

3 Payment process and timings.

In line with most government schemes, the CAGS payment is processed once the project is complete. The Group were asked to consider advanced payments, providing a percentage of the grant to the applicant in advance of the work being carried out, with the remainder paid to the applicant on completion.

Programme for Change

Some of the changes that the Scottish Government plan to make to the CAGS will require legislative change, and will therefore require time. That said, there is a commitment to widen the scope of the CAGS to allow those crofters who are not engaged in agricultural activities to apply. Furthermore, the Scottish Government is committed to exploring the introduction of standard costings, and will continue to explore the possibility of administering a pilot scheme to allow advanced payments.

All crofters will be allowed to apply for CAGS support. As in the current scheme, sufficient business justification will always need to be demonstrated before any approval of grant.

The Scottish Government will continue to explore the possibility of introducing standard costings.

The Scottish Government will continue to explore the possibility of introducing advanced payments by way of a pilot scheme.

There will be updates to the CAGS Guidance for eligible items to reflect advances in technical equipment.

The Scottish Government will continue to explore financial assistance towards the purchasing and applying of agricultural lime, based on soil sampling and analysis.

The Scottish Government will support applications for laptops to help crofters manage their business.

The Scottish Government will remove the need to engage a consultant to help establish a new common grazings committee. Grant support will be given for costs such as advertising and booking halls to help establish a new committee.

The Scottish Government will continue to explore the possibility of introducing a beekeeping package.

The Scottish Government will widen the scope of horticultural works to include tree nurseries, growing flowers, and other ornamental plants.

The current grant conditions will be modified to help ensure value for money.



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