National events strategy 2024 to 2035: business and regulatory impact assessment

The full business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the refreshed national events strategy 2024 to 2035.

12. Enforcement, sanctions and monitoring

The National Events Strategy 2024-2035 is advisory and will not be enforced by Government or result in any sanctions.

The delivery of the refreshed Strategy requires additional governance arrangements to oversee its delivery and enhanced monitoring and evaluation systems to measure success at national level.

A set of provisional outcome indicators have been agreed and published in the new strategy. These were developed through a mapping exercise led by the Scottish Government. These use existing ONS or other publicly available data sources, so gathering these should have no impact on business.

The outcome indicators have been agreed with VisitScotland, the Event Industry Advisory Group, CoSLA and Trade Unions.

Development of a set of high-level measures that cover all five outcomes set out in the refreshed Strategy will be part of implementation.



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