National events strategy 2024 to 2035: business and regulatory impact assessment

The full business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the refreshed national events strategy 2024 to 2035.

6. Scottish Firms Impact Test

6.1 General

Realistically, given the significant scale and reach of the event sector, it was considered unlikely that all businesses in the sector would be in a position to engage in the public consultation and the engagement workshops delivered in support of the strategy review. However, our aim was that the majority of businesses affected by the National Events Strategy 2024-2035 heard about the opportunity to engage in the public consultation and the engagement workshops led by VisitScotland to maximise participation. A communications plan for the consultation was developed to support these objectives.

Initially, to ensure a strategy for and by the sector, short life Themed Groups were established to draw on industry expertise to inform the strategy review. Further information on the Themed Group is provided in the partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment for the National Events Strategy Review[67].

Background information on the National Events Strategy Review process is set out at section 2.1.

The research method for the public consultation analysis is set out at pages 4-6 of the analysis. Further information on the questions asked in the survey is also provided in the analysis - see pages 44-47. Pages 48-49 of the analysis provide further information on the consultation respondents and workshop participants.[68]

The analysis has fundamentally informed and shaped the refreshed National Events Strategy refresh. For example, around future priorities, including key areas such as Inclusion, Community and Workforce.

6.2 Specific considerations

6.2.1 Will the National Events Strategy 2024-2035 have an impact on the competitiveness of Scottish companies within the UK, or elsewhere in Europe or the rest of the world?

The Strategy aims to boost the competitiveness of Scotland’s events sector as the perfect stage for events of all types and sizes.

6.2.2 How many businesses and what sectors is it likely to impact on?

The Strategy has the potential to positively impact on all business in the event sector. It is estimated, based on the Inter-Departmental Business Register 2021 and 2020 Business Register and Employment Survey, that there are 3,725 Events Industry businesses in Scotland.

6.2.3 What is the likely cost or benefit to business?

The cost/benefit analysis is covered at Section 4.

6.3 Impact on small businesses

The National Events Strategy 2024-2035 has the potential have a significant positive effect on small event businesses.

The refreshed strategy is advisory and places no new statutory obligation on any party – whether public, private or third sector. The strategy does take account of the existing statutory and policy environment.

Consideration of the distribution of the benefits brought by the refreshed strategy to self-employed, micro, small, medium and a large business will potentially be a matter for further consideration by lead partners during implementation. This will be undertaken as part of any individual Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment they are required to undertake for any action they are leading on.



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