
National events strategy 2024 to 2035: fairer Scotland duty summary

The Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) summary for the refreshed national events strategy 2024 to 2035.

Summary of aims and expected outcomes of strategy, proposal, programme or policy

Given its long-term nature and wide-ranging scope, the National Events Strategy 2024-2035 has the potential to affect all the people of Scotland. In view of this it was decided at the outset that a Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment was required as part of the strategy review.

The Vision of the National Events Strategy 2024-2035 is that Scotland is the Perfect Stage for Events. The potential of the strategy to contribute to a Fairer Scotland as part of being the perfect stage for events is considered in this assessment.

The Mission of the refreshed strategy is to sustain and develop, through a Team Scotland approach, a dynamic, resilient, and responsible events sector that is recognised as a global leader and valued for its contribution to Scotland's wellbeing economy. It will achieve this through the delivery of a world-class, diverse, and inclusive portfolio of cultural, sport and business events – for participants, workforce, communities, and visitors.

The refreshed strategy has the potential to positively impact on all the National Outcomes set out in the National Performance Framework.[1] However, there are particular opportunities around national outcomes focusing on: economy, fair work and business, international, communities, culture and environment.

The refreshed strategy is advisory and places no new statutory obligation on any party – whether public, private or third sector. It does seek to take account of the existing statutory and policy environment.

There are a range of agencies with a critical part to play in supporting the delivery of the refreshed strategy. These are set out at Appendix 1 of the strategy. A Collaborative “Team Scotland” approach between these agencies is vital to maximise the impacts of the strategy.

How events collectively – and the sector as a whole – are performing on the five outcome statements identified for the strategy will be monitored. This will be done via a set of indicators. These focus on Economy, Community, Environment, Workforce and Reputation/Profile. These broadly align to the four capitals of a wellbeing economy (plus reputation/profile).[2]

While development of a set of high-level measures that covers all five outcomes will be part of implementation, the strategy does set out a series of provisional measures as the beginning of that process. In terms of measuring event impacts related to a Fairer Scotland. These include:

  • Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings: Proportion of event industry.[3] employees (18+) earning less than the Real Living Wage in Scotland.
  • Annual Population Survey: Demographics of the events industry[4] workforce in Scotland.
  • Attendance at a cultural event in the last 12 months.[5]

Following finalisation of the National Events Strategy 2025-2035 it will be available alongside accompanying impact assessments.



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