National events strategy 2024 to 2035: fairer Scotland duty summary

The Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) summary for the refreshed national events strategy 2024 to 2035.

Next steps

The implementation of the strategy is the next opportunity to consider further actions in support of this Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment.

Implementation will take place over the period 2024-2035 and to ensure focus and accountability, it is envisaged a detailed action plan will be created for the refreshed strategy which builds on the ‘next steps’ outlined in the document[57].

The National Events Strategy is not a Scottish Government strategy and was drafted by VisitScotland with input from the Scottish Government and other lead partners including the Event Industry Advisory Group, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and Trade Unions via Scottish Trades Union Congress. The Action Plan for implementation will be developed and overseen by the Events Industry Advisory Group (EIAG) who, together with partners, would agree the action plan, measures and regularly monitor progress.

There are a range of agencies with responsibility for key investment, support, and with a critical part to play in supporting the delivery of the refreshed strategy.

Collaborative working between these agencies is vital for success, including aspects related to this assessment.

Developing future event opportunities related to this assessment will be a matter for further collective consideration and decision during implementation. This could result in the need for further bespoke Fairer Scotland Duty Assessments for particular actions flowing from the refreshed strategy, which would be matter for decision by the lead partner at that time. Meantime, our initial assessment is that event opportunities around a Fairer Scotland could include:

  • Enhanced data gathering around socio-economic disadvantage and events to help develop the current approach- and measure impacts- over the 11-year life of the strategy.
  • Event sector continuing to engage with Fair Work practices and using volunteering appropriately to engage with local people and to boost skills.
  • Targeted and enhanced communication to welcome deprived communities to events their neighbourhood is hosting and more widely.
  • Tackling affordability through free and reduced-price tickets to boost engagement and participation.
  • Early and effective community engagement by event organisers to ensure community buy-in particularly related to major and mega events.
  • Further strategic and continuously developed engagement with representative bodies to understand the barriers and opportunities to engaging deprived communities in events.
  • Analysis of learning from previous mega events – such as Year of Scotland’s Stories, 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships and Dandelion – for sharing with events to help them develop their approach to contributing to a Fairer Scotland.
  • Exploring opportunities to support for events taking place in deprived areas which are specifically designed to engage local communities. For example via sharing learning and good practice and building event delivery skills.
  • Exploring learning from the success of VisitScotland’s ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme and whether this offers future opportunities for events.
  • More support for people with lower incomes to take part in volunteering.

Sign off:

Name: Rachael McKechnie

Job title: Deputy Director, Major Events, Scottish Government



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