National events strategy 2024 to 2035: island communities impact assessment

The island communities impact assessment (ICIA) for the refreshed national events strategy 2024 to 2035.

1.2 Step One – Develop A Clear Understanding Of Your Objectives

Questions addressed:

  • What are the objectives of the policy, strategy or service?
  • What are the intended impacts/ outcomes and how do these potentially differ across the islands?

The scope of the National Events Strategy Review was to undertake a comprehensive review and update of Scotland’s events strategy to ensure it remains fit-for-purpose for an extended term from 2024 to 2035. This supports the continued successful development and delivery of world-class business, sporting and cultural events, and retaining Scotland’s global sector status as a world-leading events destination.

The objectives of the National Events Strategy Review were:

  • An assessment of the extent to which the aims, objectives and measures included in the current strategy (2015-2025) remain valid.
  • A strategy that is clear on purpose, providing strategic focus for all involved in the planning, securing delivery of events of all sizes in Scotland. Also, how relevant partners and stakeholders will support delivery of the strategy.
  • A strategy that reflects the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) and delivers on key Scottish Government policies and industry priorities and across a breadth of national outcomes. This incorporates ongoing work to align government activity around culture, sporting and business events with these priorities, e.g. the ongoing development and evolution of the Business Events Policy-Driven Model.
  • A strategy that is developed through engagement with relevant local, national and UK/international stakeholders across public, private and third sectors, including the event industry, STUC, COSLA, public bodies, communities, audiences and international peers.
  • A strategy that is underpinned by a robust evidence base, includes clear objectives and measurables and is developed with plans for monitoring and evaluation considered from the outset

The Vision of the refreshed strategy is that Scotland is the Perfect Stage for Events.

The Mission of the refreshed strategy is to sustain and develop, through a Team Scotland approach, a dynamic, resilient, and responsible events sector that is recognised as a global leader and valued [for its contribution] as part of Scotland's wellbeing economy. It will achieve this through the delivery of a world-class, diverse, and inclusive portfolio of cultural, sport and business events - for participants, workforce, communities, and visitors.

The Strategy to deliver the vision and mission is based around three interconnecting strands, each with a number of priority themes:

  1. Developing Events
  • Equal, Diverse, Inclusive
  • Investment and Support
  • The Portfolio Approach
  • Measuring, Monitoring and Reporting Impacts
  1. Developing the Sector
  • Attract, Retain, Develop Talent
  • Quality Planning and Delivery
  • Responsible Events
  1. Developing Scotland
  • Infrastructure and Services
  • Reputation and Profile
  • Visitor Economy

The Outcomes: The above interconnecting strands and priority themes are vital to creating the environment that allows the sector to contribute to the delivery of national priority outcomes as part of a wellbeing economy for Scotland. Effective delivering of this strategy will ensure the following:

Economy: The events sector is financially robust, sustainable, and growing. It delivers significant economic benefit across regions, islands, and to Scotland as a whole.

Community: Events contribute positively to the physical, mental, and social health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Environment: The events sector is environmentally responsible and delivering the sector’s just transition to Net Zero.

Workforce: The events sector is an attractive sector for employment with Fair Work practices for its workforce through effective voice, security, fulfilment, opportunity, and respect.

Reputation and Profile: Events deliver excellent experiences and showcase Scotland, our values, and assets globally, achieving national and international profile and reputational benefits.

The National Event Strategy Review has not negatively impacted on the islands and so the focus has been on maximising the potential of the Strategy for island communities.

The National Event Strategy Review has particular potential to contribute to the following strategic objectives of the National Plan for Scotland’s Islands:

  • Strategic Objective 2 (improve and promote sustainable economic development);
  • Strategic Objective 7 (to improve and promote heath, social care and well-being);
  • Strategic Objective 9 (to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and promote clean, affordable and secure energy);
  • Strategic Objective 10 (to empower diverse communities and different places); and
  • Strategic Objective 11 (to support arts, culture and language).

The National Event Strategy Review has the potential to positively impact on all of Scotland’s islands, however the opportunities and challenges will differ depending on factors such as population, location, transport connectivity, available infrastructure and the growth potential of the existing event portfolio of each of the islands. For island communities in particular - in addition to the direct economic and social benefits of events - there is a close link between events and the visitor economy.



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