National events strategy 2024 to 2035: island communities impact assessment

The island communities impact assessment (ICIA) for the refreshed national events strategy 2024 to 2035.

1.7 Step Six – Making Adjustments To Your Work

Questions addressed:

  • Should delivery mechanisms/mitigations vary in different island communities?
  • Do you need to return to the consultation participants in respect of mechanisms or mitigations?
  • Have island circumstances been factored into the evaluation process?
  • Have any island-specific indicators/targets been identified that require monitoring?
  • How will outcomes be measured on the islands?
  • How has the policy, strategy or service affected island communities?
  • How will lessons learned in this ICIA inform future policy making and service delivery?

The approach for each island will depend on a number of factors such as location, population density, transport and connectivity, available infrastructure and other resources, current event portfolio and also unique cultural, historical and natural attractions specific to that location.

The strategy will require partner engagement involving the private, public and third sectors particularly through developing and maintaining action/implementation plans, including from islands stakeholders.

Island circumstances will be factored into the evaluation of the strategy and also around individual events, as appropriate. Measurability and good practice were identified from the outset as one of the future strategic outcomes for consideration through the strategy review. These aspects were further considered through partner engagement and public consultation exercise.

Outcomes for the 2024-35 strategy are listed under Step 1:

Outcome indicators and implementation/action planning is part of the longer term work of the strategy and this Impact Assessment will inform the process to try and ensure the success of the islands in securing, managing and developing their events.

As part of the strategy review process there has been work to identify suitable outcomes indicators that can be used to underpin the work of the strategy. These will be monitored regularly and where appropriate changed, adapted and/or further developed as part of the wider monitoring and evaluation of the 2024-2035 Strategy.

This Island Community Impact Assessment is a central component of the wider National Event Strategy Review process and lessons identified through the assessment feature in the new strategy and supporting implementation plans.



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