National events strategy 2024 to 2035: island communities impact assessment

The island communities impact assessment (ICIA) for the refreshed national events strategy 2024 to 2035.

1.8 Step Seven – Publishing Your ICIA

Questions addressed:

  • Does your ICIA need to be presented in Gaelic or any other language?
  • Where will you publish your ICIA and will relevant stakeholders be able to easily access it?
  • Confirm appropriate level of sign off?

This ICIA will be presented in Gaelic and English. It will be published on the Scottish Government website. Key points have already been incorporated in the National Events Strategy itself.

ICIA completed by – Jamie Duguid

Position – Major Events Policy Officer

Signature and date – Jamie Duguid, 7 February 2024

ICIA authorised by – Lucy Carmichael

Position – Head of Major Events Unit

Signature and date – Lucy Carmichael, 29 February 2024



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