
National events strategy review: consultation

Scotland's National events strategy is being reviewed and updated. This will extend its term to the end of 2035. This survey provides everyone with a role in Scotland’s world-class event industry the chance to shape the sector’s updated strategy.

2. Developing a Shared Ambition

2.1 Definition of an event

For the national events strategy, events are public-facing events and festivals. That means anyone can attend either for free or by buying a ticket, or by viewing it on television or digitally. In addition, the strategy includes business events. These business events are for designated groups which the general public cannot access. Examples of business events include corporate meetings, product launches, exhibitions and conventions, and incentive travel. The strategy does not cover family or personal events such as weddings, funerals and birthday parties.

Events can be fixed – happening each year or more regularly in the same place permanently. They can be recurring – happening each year in the same place for a set number of years, often on a biennial or quadrennial basis. Or they can be one-off – usually bid for and brought in a single staging.

Events also vary widely in size, from local and community events all the way up to mega events hosted across borders.

2.2 Role of the strategy

The updated strategy will provide strategic focus for all involved in any aspect of planning, securing, supporting and delivering events of all sizes in Scotland through to the end of 2035. It is important that the strategy has a clear shared ambition that we can collectively work towards.

Themed Groups considered what success looks like. For them, this meant an event sector that:

  • is financially robust and sustainable
  • delivers significant economic benefit for Scotland
  • is an attractive sector for employment that fairly rewards its workforce in payment, conditions, security and opportunity
  • is environmentally responsible and delivering the sectors just transition to net zero
  • showcases Scotland and our values and assets globally, and
  • is contributing positively to the physical, mental and social health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

This suggests an Ambition for the coming ten years could be

An event sector that, in 2035, is:

  • globally recognised as a world leader in the development and delivery of responsible business, sporting, arts and wider cultural events – the 'perfect stage for events'
  • creator and host of a relevant, diverse and inclusive portfolio of world-class event experiences that deliver positive economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits to Scotland
  • delivering Fair Work for all who work in the sector, with employers providing a positive and secure working environment, and supporting a skilled, committed and well-paid workforce

Understanding progress toward this ambition could be supported by a number of Indicators that measure:

  • the national and international profile of Scottish events
  • the economic contribution of events across regions and to Scotland as a whole
  • the health of the events sector, including stability and capacity to deliver
  • what the event sector is like as a place to work, integrating the Fair Work dimensions of effective voice, security, respect, opportunity and fulfilment
  • the event sector's just transition to net zero and environmental sustainability
  • the accessibility of events' contribution to physical, mental and social health and wellbeing for individuals and communities

We are seeking views on whether this is the right ambition for the strategy.

Question 1: To what extent do you support, or oppose the proposed Ambition?

  • strongly oppose
  • oppose
  • neutral
  • support
  • strongly support
  • don't know

Question 2: How important do you think each of these strategic priorities are for events over the next ten years? Give a score of one to five for each, where one is not important at all and five is very important, or "don't know":

  • Boosting the economy
  • Enhancing well-being and community engagement
  • Contributing to the drive towards net zero and environmental sustainability
  • Making the event sector a better place to work
  • Showcasing and promoting Scotland's assets

Question 3: What other strategic priorities, (if any), do you think should be included in a refreshed strategy?



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