
Child protection learning and development 2024: national framework

Framework to support multi-agency learning and development relevant to child protection in Scotland. This highlights key learning for all workforces according to the level of responsibility they have for child protection.

Section 5: Looking forward

Parallels with other public protection areas

5.1 This Framework is written with child protection practice development at its core, but it would be remiss not to see the parallels with adult support and protection, and other public protection areas. The experiences of children will inevitably impact on how they function as adults and potentially as parents, and the experiences of parents will impact on their children. Therefore individual and family assessments are best approached from this perspective. This Framework strongly emphasises the need for all services involved to work with families holistically, not least during the period in which young adults move between children's services towards adult services. For all colleagues, regardless of whether we work in a child protection or public protection model, the Framework emphasises the need for a whole family approach to assessment of need and concern, acknowledging the cycle of life, human development and transition. Above all, recognising that children grow up and some will become parents, there is a need to be alert to preventing cycles of concern repeating themselves and maintaining a focus on this at the heart of any protection service.

5.2 If we take a truly trauma-informed approach to service delivery, these transitions through the life process would be an easier path for people using our services. The learning and development resources focusing on contextual safeguarding are one clear example of where both children and adult services benefit from joint protection work, supported by shared learning and development. The approach to transition between services, for example, for young adults between 16-18 years of age, is a critical element of this, best seen in the context of assessed need, vulnerability and early help, regardless of whether this is offered by children's or adult services.

5.3 Colleagues in learning and development roles are in a unique position to support this best practice and to develop the knowledge and skills required in practitioners across all services to provide more holistic support, not least through multi-agency, multi-service shared learning.

Maintaining integrity of resources and quality assurance

5.4 Inevitably there will be changes in legislation, policy or practice guidance and learning and development colleagues are tasked with ensuring the integrity of their resources aligned with any changes that arise. Working collaboratively through the National Learning and Practice Development group, or any sub-groups such as the West of Scotland Learning and Development group, is one method for supporting each other with what might sometimes feel like a major task. This also models a shared learning, collaborative approach to good multi-agency protection and practice, as well as an opportunity to share resources and skills, collaborating on design and creation of resources. It also supports the development of learning and development practitioners themselves.



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