
National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation - easy read

Easy read version of our consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan, which sets out the Government's goals for food and how we will achieve them.

Good Food Nation Outcomes

The Good Food Nation Plan sets out 6 Outcomes. Outcomes are the main goals we want to reach.

Achieving these Outcomes will take time. They ask for changes for many different areas. They set out our hopes for a Good Food Nation.

We would like to hear your views on these Outcomes.

Outcome 1: Everyone in Scotland eats well. They can easily get safe, healthy, affordable, environmentally friendly food that suits their age and culture.

Question 1: Does this Outcome describe the kind of Scottish food system you would like to see?


Not sure


Outcome 2: Scotland’s food system is good for the natural environment, the climate, wildlife, and animal welfare.

Question 2: Does this Outcome describe the kind of Scottish food system you would like to see?


Not sure


Outcome 3: Scotland’s food system helps everyone to have good physical and mental health.

Question 3: Does this Outcome describe the kind of Scottish food system you would like to see?


Not sure


Outcome 4: Scotland is known around the world for high-quality food. Our food and drink industry is successful and forward-thinking. It is an important part of the national and local economy. It supports and creates good jobs.

Question 4: Does this Outcome describe the kind of Scottish food system you would like to see?


Not sure


Outcome 5: Scotland has a good food culture. Scottish people are interested in and educated about good and sustainable food.

Question 5: Does this Outcome describe the kind of Scottish food system you would like to see?


Not sure


Outcome 6: Decisions we make in Scotland are good for food systems here and around the world. We share and learn from what other countries are doing.

Question 6: Does this Outcome describe the kind of Scottish food system you would like to see?


Not sure


Question 7: Is there anything you would change about the Outcomes? Why do you think these changes are needed? Please tell us in the box below:

Measuring Progress: Targets and Indicators

We need to know if we are making progress towards the outcomes. We have come up with a set of targets and indicators. Targets are the goals we want to reach. Indicators are ways of measuring how we are doing.

We have come up with some ways of measuring progress as our work on Good Food Nation continues. We will come up with updated indicators and targets based on what you tell us.

Question 8: What targets and indicators do you think would be useful for measuring progress towards a Good Food Nation? Why? Please tell us in the box below:



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