
National Guidance for Child Protection Committees for Conducting a Significant Case Review

This guidance has been superseded by the 2021 Learning Review guidance, available at


1. Vincent and Petch 2012; Vincent 2010) and other parts of the UK (Brandon et al 2010; Brandon et al 2008; Brandon et al 2002; Sidebotham et al 2010; Devaney et al 2013; Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales 2009

2. SUDI toolkit -

3. The Children (Scotland) Act 1995: 'A local authority shall - (a) safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their area who are in need'

4. Notifying the death of a looked after child is a statutory duty of the local authority looking after that child under regulation 6 of the Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009. Notifying the death of a person being provided with aftercare under section 29 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 will be a statutory duty of the local authority under section 29(10) of the 1995 Act when section 66 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 comes into force. Notifying the death of a person being provided with continuing care will be a statutory of the local authority under section 26A(10) of the 1995 Act when section 67 of the 2014 Act comes into force. This guidance on significant case reviews does not replace each of these statutory notification duties. Every effort should be made to avoid duplication of the two processes (i.e. the notification of the death and the review of it) in each of these cases, only one of which (the notification of the death) has a legal basis.

5. National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland - Scottish Government - May 2014

6. Vincent S; Petch A.(2012) Audit and Analysis of Significant Case Reviews, Edinburgh: Scottish Government

7. Learning together to safeguard children: developing a multi-agency systems approach for case reviews: Fish, Munro, Bairstow; 2009


9. Vincent, C. (2004) "Analysis of clinical incidents: a window on the system not a search for root causes." Quality and Safety in Health Care 13: 242-243.


11. Human Error: James Reason: Cambridge University Press: 1990

12. Critical friends can be accessed through WithScotland -

13. Data controllers and data processors: what the difference is and what the governance implications are - Information Commissioners Office

14. Data Sharing Code of Practice - Information Commissioners Office

15. GIRFEC Briefings for practitioners - Scottish Government - August 2012

16. Significant Case Review Decision 241/2014 - Scottish Information Commissioner - November 2014

17. Significant Case Review Decision 237/2014 - Scottish Information Commissioner - November 2014

18. How well do we protect children and meet their needs?; HMIe, 2009, and; How well are we improving the lives of children and young people? - Care Inspectorate - September 2014

19. Protecting Children and Young people: Child Protection Committees, page 16 paragraph 4.8; Scottish Executive February 2005

20. Data Sharing Code of Practice - Information commissioners Office


22. GIRFEC Briefings for practitioners - Scottish Government - August 2012

23. Learning together to safeguard children: developing a multi-agency systems approach for case reviews - Fish, S., E. Munro, and S. Bairstow, 2008



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