
National guidance for child protection committees undertaking learning reviews

Guidance (published 2021, updated 2024) to support child protection committees to reflect, learn and improve child protection systems and practice when a child or young person dies, is significantly harmed, or was at risk of death or significant harm or where there was effective practice.

5. Disseminating and Implementing the Learning from the Review

The dissemination and implementation of learning from a Learning Review has several components which are:

  • the implementation of suggested strategies, specified in the report, for improving practice and systems
  • dissemination of learning at a local level
  • dissemination of learning at a national level

Implementation of suggested strategies

The final section of the report will often but not always (see Section 4 of this Guidance) contain suggested strategies for improving practice and systems, which identify the case for change; are learning orientated; evidence based; and assign responsibility. The CPC must then ensure that a succinct action plan is drawn up to support the implementation of these strategies. The action plan will clarify who will do what and within what timescale.

The COG will consider the action plan, as well as any resource issues that are relevant for the production and progress of the action plan.

Implementation or improvement methodologies, as well as evidence-based approaches, could be used to guide the change process. Examples can be found in the supporting resources alongside this Guidance.

The implementation efforts should use data and evidence to periodically review and evaluate whether or not they have achieved the desired outcome.

Dissemination of learning at a local level

The purpose of dissemination at a local level is twofold:

  • firstly, to clarify what the learning is and what led to that learning so that it is understood by practitioners, managers and organisations
  • secondly, to explore how that learning can be embedded in practice and systems

There are a variety of approaches and models that can be used to disseminate learning at a local level. These may include multi-agency reflective sessions, seminars, learning summaries and briefings. To ensure dissemination of learning is sensitively tailored to meet the needs and learning styles of different individuals and groups, a variety of modes, and approaches should be used. It is essential that dissemination takes place in a timely manner, is targeted at the right audience and allows space for consideration of the implications for practice and systems and identifies what needs to happen to ensure the learning is applied.

Dissemination of learning at a national level

The purpose of disseminating learning at a national level is to look at recommendations and suggested strategies that are outside the remit of an individual CPC but require action; share learning across the CPC areas; identify overarching themes and consider if issues need further exploration, or if they should underpin or inform the development of national policy.

Dissemination of learning at a national level is facilitated by the publication of annual overview reports by the Care Inspectorate and by regular meetings of the Learning Review Liaison Group. This group, comprising representatives from the Scottish Government, the Care Inspectorate and CPCScotland, has been established to provide a forum to discuss thematic findings from Learning Reviews that have national implications for policy and practice development.

Dissemination of learning at a national level can also be facilitated by the online Learning Review Knowledge Hub. This online forum enables members to participate, contribute and share information, knowledge and best practice relating to the Learning Review process, practice and learning. Membership of the Learning Review Knowledge Hub is restricted to those who have a specific role, remit and focus on case review processes, research, policy and learning.

The role of the Care Inspectorate

The primary role for the Care Inspectorate is to support continual improvement in the quality of services for children and young people, including child protection services.

The Care Inspectorate provides an overview on the effectiveness of the Learning Review process with a focus on the recommendations and learning points, elements of good practice and suggested areas for improvement within the context of organisational learning. This is informed by the notifications and reports that CPCs submit.

Once the decision on whether or not to proceed to a Learning Review has been agreed, the CPC will submit a notification of the decision to the Care Inspectorate by logging into the ‘eform system’ on the Care Inspectorate website and submitting the information via the electronic form.

Completed and anonymised Learning Review reports will be submitted to the Care Inspectorate via secure e-mail to:

In some circumstances, when the criteria is met, CPCs agree to carry out an alternative approach for learning. When this occurs, CPCs should submit anonymised completed reports or minutes that record learning and recommendations to the Care Inspectorate via secure e-mail to:

This will enable the Care Inspectorate to use the learning from these alternative approaches to inform the content of annual national overview reports. The Care Inspectorate will not provide feedback on these types of submissions.

Guidance on notifications and submissions you must make to the Care Inspectorate can be found on their website

The Care Inspectorate

  • acts as a central collation point for the notification of decisions for proceeding or not proceeding to a learning review taken by CPCs, in order to better understand the rationale
  • acts as a central collation point for all Learning Reviews completed across Scotland at the point at which they are concluded
  • identifies themes, aspects of good practice and learning opportunities to share nationally
  • provides COGs and CPCs with observations on the Learning Review report will discuss with COGs and CPCs how learning will be shared and implemented



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