
National guidance for child protection 2021: consultation report

This report shows the results of the public consultation on the revised national guidance for child protection in Scotland, and our response to the results.


1 A Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment not required declaration will be published alongside the impact assessments

2 The consultation was scheduled to close on 16 January 2021, but the consultation period was extended by 2 weeks to take account of the additional pressures placed on a number of organisations by the COVID-19 related restrictions.


4 Please note that some of the policy suggestions, particularly in relation to groups who should be covered in the guidance, may be referenced at Question 11 (in relation to specific concerns). The focus of the analysis presented here is on the Introduction and Parts 1 and 2 of the guidance.

5 Please note that the analysis team has sought to present references in a standard form to be accessible to the reader (title, author, date) rather than in standard academic referencing format. In some cases, it has been necessary to make judgements as to the document or resource to which respondents' comments referred. Sourcing the correct referencing (for example in relation to dates or authors/commissioning bodies) has also sometimes been difficult. We apologise for any errors made.


7 Suggested references are presented at Question 2.

8 As per: Adult Support and Protection revised Code of Practice, Scottish Government, 2014.

9 Available at: Specific reference at P.99.



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