
National guidance for child protection 2021: consultation report

This report shows the results of the public consultation on the revised national guidance for child protection in Scotland, and our response to the results.

Overview of the Responses

All responses have been carefully considered in conjunction with the analysis report from Craigforth. The vast majority of the responses are very positive with a range of suggestions for revision and improvement.

We have engaged directly with some respondents to better understand their views and reflect these in the revised Guidance. We have also engaged with The Promise Scotland who have helped to ensure that work to deliver The Promise is well embedded throughout the Guidance and, in particular, that there is sufficient understanding of the impact of poverty throughout the document.

There are some suggestions for revision that are more appropriate for local processes and operational guidance and other suggestions and views which will inform delivery of wider strategic developments including implementation of The Promise and UNCRC.

The full Craigforth analysis report can be found at Annex A. The Scottish Government's response to the Consultation can be found at Annex B.



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