
National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 - updated 2023

This guidance describes the responsibilities and expectations for all involved in protecting children and will support the care and protection of children.

Appendix D: Timescales for stages in child protection processes

Variations in timescales in specific situations may be approved if the alternative ensures the safety and best interests of the child/children involved.

When to share a child protection concern with police or social work?

Without delay, following consultation with line manager/child protection lead where this applies.

When to hold an inter-agency referral discussion?

As soon as reasonably practical. Outwith core hours, the IRD may focus on immediate protective actions. A more comprehensive IRD will continue as soon as practical. This should normally be on the next working day.

How much notice should participants be given of a CPPM?

5 calendar days (wherever possible). In every situation families should be given support to understand processes and to participate.

When to hold a CPPM?

If a child protection investigation has been progressed a CPPM will follow within 28 calendar days days unless there is an IRD decision that this is not required.

When to hold an unborn child CPPM?

Within 28 calendar days of concern being raised. (There may be exceptions where the pregnancy is in the very early stages.) Within 28 weeks of gestation.

When a CPPM is inquorate, how soon must it be reconvened?

Within 10 working days

How soon should participants receive a record of the CPPM?

Within 10 working days.

How soon should a Core Group meet after a CPPM?

Within 15 working days

How soon should Core Group refer significant changes or concerns within the plan to CPPM Chair/lead professional?

As urgently as necessary and always within 3 calendar days of the change/concern being identified.

When should a CP Plan be reviewed?

Within 3 months of a pre-birth CPPM but there should be latitude for professional judgement about the most appropriate timing post-birth. Within 6 months of the initial CPPM and thereafter 6 monthly or earlier if circumstances change significantly.

When to refer to the Reporter?

At any stage when a compulsory supervision order appears necessary. Single agencies and individuals can also refer.



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