National Guidance on the Implementation of Local Area Co-ordination: An Easy Guide

Guidance on the Implementation of Local Area Co-ordination in Scotland: An easy guide

How has Local Area Co-ordination moved forward?

The first guide on local area co-ordination was made in 2002.

There have been many changes since then.

Here are some of the changes:


There have been two local area co-ordination conferences.

Two films about local area co-ordination were made called 'Someone on your side' and 'Developing and Supporting Inclusive Communities'.


The Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability have given local area co-ordinators a section on their website.

A booklet of stories about local area co-ordination was made called Making Connections.


A training course called 'Making Connections' has been run by the Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability.

It is now easier for local area co-ordinators to have training in their own area.

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