
National health and wellbeing outcomes framework

Guidance framework on the national health and wellbeing outcomes which apply to integrated health and social care.

11. Delivering across the public sector to improve outcomes for our communities

The national health and wellbeing outcomes provide a framework for improving our health and care services across Scotland. There has been a significant amount of work, in recent years, to establish outcomes and related measures for a wide range of health, community care, social care, including children's and justice services.

The national health and wellbeing outcomes should be applied in conjunction with more specific outcomes relating to individuals and group, such as the SHANARRI[13] outcomes for children and young people expressed in terms of the eight wellbeing indicators specified in section 96 (2) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014[14], and together underpin the delivery of the national outcomes, which form the National Performance Framework.

The National Performance Framework[15] support delivery of an outcomes based approach to performance and enables partners to jointly drive and track progress towards delivery of agreed outcomes through better integration, supported by the development of Single Outcome Agreements.

Integration Authorities will be partners in Community Planning arrangements, therefore planning and delivery of health and social care services that focus on improving the national health and wellbeing outcomes, will feed into their broader responsibilities in relation to these duties, and related outcomes frameworks, to deliver the Scottish Government's strategic objectives.

Health and Care Outcomes Framework

Health and Care Outcomes Framework



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