
National Improvement Framework - enhanced data collection: consultation analysis

An analysis of responses to the consultation on enhanced data collection for improvement which ran from 9 May 2022 until 18 July 2022.

Executive Summary

On 9 May 2022, the Scottish Government (Learning Directorate) launched the consultation 'enhanced data collection for improvement' which sought views on:

  • How to ensure that the basket of key measures to assess progress towards closing the poverty related attainment gap reflects the wider ambitions of the curriculum; and
  • The value of the wider data for improvement purposes, both qualitative and quantitative, and the range of data needed by schools, education authorities and at the national level in order to fulfil their different requirements.

The consultation closed on 18 July 2022 and received 75 responses. Of those, 50 were from professional associations, organisations and local authorities and 25 were from individuals. A list of respondents (those who provided consent) are at Annex A. It is important to note that not all respondents answered every question presented.

The responses to the consultation have informed policy development in the form of:

  • The inclusion of two new key measures (attendance data and the initial 3 month measure of positive destinations) in the 2023 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan; and
  • The intention to add a further two new key measures in the future (set out in the next steps part of this report) and;
  • Developing a more coherent approach to the quality and effective use of data across the system.

Summary of responses

The consultation asked for views on 10 questions:

1. Our proposals for the key measures of progress towards closing the poverty related attainment gap are based on a number of key principles. Are there any other principles that should be included?

2. Should the two sub-measures covering attendance and exclusion at secondary schools be promoted to key measures?

3. Should data on confidence, resilience, and engagement from the new Health and Wellbeing census be included in the basket of measures?

4. At the moment, the measure of achievement in the senior phase is the National Qualifications achieved by young people at the point which they leave school (SCQF levels 4, 5, and 6 – 1 or more on leaving school). Do we need to add other measures to cover wider achievement and attainment?

5. If you answered yes to Q4, some options for consideration are set out. However, we would also welcome any other suggestions for additional measures.

6. In terms of measuring progress beyond school, should the percentage of school leavers going to a "positive destination" on leaving school be included alongside the participation measure?

7. What more do we need to do in order to ensure that a wider range of measures are in use across the education system, and that they are valued as equally as traditional attainment measures?

8. Are the existing wider data collections, and the new data developments enough to ensure that the National Improvement Framework reflects the ambitions of Curriculum for Excellence, national policy priorities such as health and wellbeing and confidence, and key priorities for COVID-19 recovery and improvement, as recommended by Audit Scotland?

9. How can we make better use of data to focus and drive improvement activity at school, local, regional and national level?

10. How can we make better use of data to help reduce variation in outcomes achieved by young people in different parts of the country?

About the analysis

As with all consultations, it is important to take into account that the views of those who have responded are not representative of the views of the wider population. Individuals and organisations who have a keen interest in this area are more likely to participate that those who do not. The main approach to this consultation analysis is primarily qualitative in nature and sets out the full range of views expressed. It is important to note that a number of responses had similar wording, and these have been reflected and summarised in the detailed analysis that follows.

Outcome of this consultation

Responses to this consultation have:

  • Informed policy development in relation to the key measures used for improvement purposes to assess progress towards closing the poverty related attainment gap and;
  • Provided views on the value of wider data for improvement purposes and the range of data required by schools, education authorities and nationally to fulfil their different requirements.



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