
National Improvement Framework - future of insight consultation: response summary and next steps

A summary of responses and next steps following the consultation on the future of Insight.

Executive Summary

The value of Insight and the potential to enhance it was one of the recommendations from Professor Ken Muir in his 2022 report – “Putting learners at the centre: Towards a Future Vision for Scottish Education.”

This report was key among a number of factors which led the Scottish Government to look at the future of Insight at that point in time and to consider how it could be enhanced moving forward.

A consultation with Insight users (shaped by members of the Benchmarking Tools Advisory Group) launched on 3 May 2023 to provide schools and local authorities with the opportunity to express their views and to contribute to any future decisions regarding the future of Insight.

The consultation closed on 30 June 2023 and received 96 responses via the online platform Citizen Space. We also received a number of written submissions via the National Improvement Framework mailbox. The majority of responses were from Headteachers and key Insight users.

A privacy statement was included in the survey confirming that the individual responses from this consultation would not be published and personal information would be regarded as confidential. Views of all respondents have been captured throughout the high level summary in this document and in the next steps being taken. It is important to note that not all respondents answered every question presented.



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