
National Improvement Framework - future of insight consultation: response summary and next steps

A summary of responses and next steps following the consultation on the future of Insight.

Scope and focus of the consultation

Part 1 of the consultation proposed a number of additional changes to Insight which would further enhance the tool, and the way in which we use data for improvement. It sought feedback on the proposed changes and asked respondents to indicate whether they would consider each proposal to be a High, Medium or Low priority for change:

  • High = an important and/or critical change that has both high impact and high urgency
  • Medium = a change that is important, but may not be as impactful or urgent
  • Low = a functional change which would be beneficial to enhance the tool if resources permit at a later point in time.

Part 2 of the consultation asked a number of questions about the respondent, their role and their use of Insight and BGE data. As per the privacy statement, the free text information from that section of the consultation has not been included in this report.

The consultation focused on the tool itself and did not explore the recommendation in the Muir Report in relation to the location of the tool and the Professional Advisors in the new national agency – that is being considered as part of wider work on the functions and responsibilities of the new agency.



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