
National Improvement Framework - future of insight consultation: response summary and next steps

A summary of responses and next steps following the consultation on the future of Insight.

Outcome of this consultation and next steps

Most of the respondents demonstrated strong support for the tool along with varying degrees of support for each of the proposals for change. The numerical breakdown of each proposal/question type is set out at Annex A.

The results from the consultation were taken to the Benchmarking Tools Advisory Group for discussion, alongside a number of suggested enhancements/next steps to further enhance the Insight tool – these were agreed with members of that group.

The key decisions that have been taken as a result of this consultation are:

  • Increasing the volume of awards and achievement in the tool that are recognised on the SCQF (by September 2024) We will engage with providers to encourage their inclusion within Insight and work with qualifications and awarding bodies to improve data processes and ensure the timely data sharing that will allow inclusion of data. We will continue to promote to schools the range of wider awards recognised within Insight and encourage schools and providers to contact us if new providers wish to be added.
  • Reflecting the recommendations made by the ASL review within Insight by seeking to include an ever wider range of achievement (by September 2024)
  • Improving consistency in the use of senior phase data, we will during the course of 2024, work with local government to agree a set of core school leaver statistics for inclusion in Insight and other reporting mechanisms.
  • Taking necessary steps to ensure that Insight fits with the post-reform landscape of Scottish education – the timing of this will depend on plans for taking forward proposals coming from the education reform process.
  • Concluding developmental work to consider a further range of enhancements to the Insight tool – including refreshing the Insight user interface (by December 2024)

We will develop a detailed implementation plan and timeline for all of this work in early 2024.



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